Links – the most comprehensive single source of facts related to the U-boat campaign in both World Wars. provided the raw information for my statistical research of the Battle of the Atlantic (to be published soon). – the archival complement to, this page run by retired US Navy pilot Jerry Mason is the go-to source for documents and images related to the U-boat campaign, 1939-45.

New Jersey Maritime Museum – founded by Deb Whitcraft to preserve New Jersey’s maritime heritage.

Battle of the Atlantic Research & Expedition Group (BAREG) – divers and researchers based in northern Virginia. Much of BAREG’s work is archeological in nature, and its achievements include determining the most likely explanation for the U-869’s loss.

New Jersey Historical Divers Association (NJHDA) – technical & recreational divers dedicated to studying NJ-area shipwrecks.

Krigsseilerregisteret – digital monument and database for the Norwegian merchant fleet during World War II